
Project Worksheet




Number of Ends and Reed used


Warp length


Finished Measurements


Project notes





Yarn Calculations

Total # warp ends
Project Width                                   __________
Draw in/shrinkage                  +10% __________
Total loom width                            = __________
Reed Sett (5,8,10,12)                   X __________
Total # of ends per inch (epi)        = __________

Warp Length                                   __________
Take up                                   +10%__________
Loom waste                             +18" __________
Total Warp Length                        =  __________

Yards needed for Warp
Total Warp Length                           __________
Total # of ends per inch (epi)        X __________
Total Yards Needed                      = __________
Warp yardage                          /36= __________

Yards needed for Weft
Total width in reed                              __________
Picks per inch (ppi)                         X __________
[balanced weave ppi=reed#]           = __________
Total Warp Length                           X __________
Weft yardage                              /36= __________

Total Yarn needed for entire project
Warp yardage                                     __________
Weft yardage                                    +__________
Total                                                  =__________

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